Knowing and Growing in the Fruit of the Spirit
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Gal 5:22-23
Have you read Galatians at all lately? Recently I was prompted to take a look at the book of Galatians. Attempting to try and achieve what this passage is conveying has always been a goal of mine. Something to strive for, however, I must confess I am not there yet. I am learning that each fruit is a characteristic of the Holy Spirit’s active presence in our daily activities. This month here in my editorial I'd like us to look at each one and ask some questions that I have been asking myself, to make sure we’re healthy.
Love I don't feel the word love (agape) here refers to those warm fuzzy feelings you sometimes get, but rather to a deliberate attitude of dedication and devotion to others. This type of love gives freely without looking at whether the other person deserves it or not, and it gives without expecting anything back. Can I motivated myself to do this for others like Christ has done for me? Or do I just love others because I am looking to get something back?
Joy I think the type of joy that is spoken of here is gladness that is completely independent of the good or bad things that happen in the course of the day. In fact, joy indicates a supernatural gladness given by God’s Spirit that actually seems to show up best during hard times. This is because you are fixing your focus on God’s purposes for the events in your life rather than on the circumstances. Sometimes I question myself; am I experiencing a joy of life on a regular basis, or is my happiness dependent on things going smoothly in my day?
Peace I recall many years ago in a conversation with my Dad about the peace of God. He reminded me that peace is not the absence of turmoil, but rather it's the presence of tranquility even while in a place of chaos. My Dad said that peace is a sense of wholeness and completeness bringing contentment in knowing that God controls all the events of my/our day. I still sometimes wonder why I find myself frazzled by the crashing waves of turmoils I sometimes have in my life, or am I experiencing what Phil 4:6-7 says where it talks about "the peace that passes all understanding."
Patience Other words that describe this fruit of patience are lenience, long-suffering, perseverance, and steadfastness. Having God given patience provides me with the ability to endure wrongful treatment from life or at the hands of others without lashing out or paying back. Am I able to keep a godly perspective when people irritate me or things go wrong?
Kindness Did you know that when kindness is at work in a person’s life, they look for ways to try their best to meet the needs of others. It is moral goodness that overflows as moral goodness expresses an essentially new and higher sense of the idea of value. It’s also the absence spite. I try and ask myself, is it my goal to serve others with kindness, or am I too focused on my own needs, desires, or problems to let the goodness of God overflow to others? I really hope it's to serve others.
Goodness Goodness reflects the character of God. With having goodness in you, you desire to see goodness in others. Does my life reflect the goodness of God? What can I do to help other experience God's goodness at a deeper level in their own lives? God is good: it's not just what He does but rather it's who He is and who He is NEVER changes.
Faithfulness A faithful person is one with real integrity. Others can look to the faithful person as an example, and someone who is truly devoted to others and to Christ. Our natural self always wants to be in charge, but Spirit-controlled faithfulness is evident in the life of a person who seeks good for others and glory for God. When studying more about faithfulness I question - are there areas in my life where I act indifferent towards others or is my life one that is characterized by faith in Christ and also to those around me?
Gentleness Gentleness is not without power, it just chooses to defer to others. Meekness is not weakness. It forgives others, corrects with kindness, and lives in tranquility. Gentleness does not mean you are headstrong or brash. Gentleness allows the grace of God to flow through you to others.
Self-control We are told in the bible that our fleshly desires are continually at odds with God’s Spirit and we always want to be in charge. Self-control is literally releasing our grip on the fleshly desires, choosing instead to be controlled by the Holy Spirit. I ask myself from time to time, am I allowing the Spirit to direct me to things that please God or am I allowing my desires to control my life? One last question that has come to mind after studying Galations 5 is, am I willing to confess to God that His ways are better than mine, and that I need the Spirit’s guidance to live?
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