Be Inspired
A few weeks ago my sister and I decided to paint some rocks to place around our favourite walking spot. We thought it would be fun for neighbourhood kids and families to spot some cute painted creatures and read the encouraging messages on our rocks all the while it would be fun for us too to find hiding spots for them far enough into the bush but not far enough that they couldn’t be seen. We had hoped that these rocks, while being a small gesture would bring some joy and encouragement to those passing through. A few days later, however, after we had set out on our walk I became discouraged when the rocks began to go missing. These rocks I had thoughtfully and intentionally painted with messages such as hope, unity, and trust vanished. I had anticipated that some would go missing as kids may bring them down to the water or slip one in their pocket but to see them all gone so fast took me by surprise. This however made me realize that even though we may hope and even anticipate a certain outcome we can not expect how things turn out some things are just beyond our control and for me when my sister and I placed the rocks around the park they where then out of our control. We can hope that they would have lasted longer, hope that whoever did take them home enjoyed them but beyond that we just have to trust that while they were only temporary they were still enjoyed.
The word “hope” has been a word that has been on my mind lately. I believe the Lord wanted to show me something through this that I hope can be an encouragement to you. Sometimes we can place are hope in something and our expectations will fail or disappoint us. We can get so caught up in the anticipation that when something does not turn out how we wanted it to or what we thought would be best we can find ourselves feeling hopeless. It made me ask myself what am I putting my hope in? When I put my hope in something that is temporary it has become apparent that it does not always last as I expected. Rather, when I put my hope in the Lord who in his word he says is unchanging I know that He is faithful. I am assured that He knows what is best for me and I can expect that it will be far better than what I could have imagined for myself. So I leave you with this; rocks may come and go but the Lord remains faithful. Continue to put your trust in Him the author and perfector of your faith because he promises you a hope and a future far beyond what you could have ever hoped. Be encouraged- He wants the best for you!
- Naomi Stuive
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